Rosecast Moving Stars Financial
Astrology prediction software
Have you ever wondered what moved the Stock Market
today, last week or what will move it next month?
If you were able to accurately predict, which planets
were involved and in what aspect, to past highs and lows. This would
encourage you to delve a little further into the mysteries of Financial
astrology. What was the ruling planet for the Stock index, currency or
commodity?. This is where Moving Stars financial astrology software
comes into play. The Babylonians used astrology to decide when to go to
war or which King to pick. You can use the state of the art technology
to master financial astrology for 2013 and beyond. Financial astrologers
around the globe are astounded that we have finally shared the
secrets of financial astrology with the masses.
Take you first step to financial freedom and
Order now at
Some of the many features of Moving Stars financial
astrology software
Heliocentric planets
Planets shown in declination geocentric and
Go backwards or forwards in time 1 min, 5 mins,
10mins, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 10 years, at the
click of a key stroke
Create aspect grid for now or for a 24 hour
period see Fig A
Choose from over 55 planets in Geocentric mode,
including Trans Neptunians, Quaoar, Sedna, Makemake, Haumea, Orcus,
Eris, Snow White, Varuna Fig B
Choose from over 50 Heliocentric planets
Mid degrees
Relocation astrology charts
Solar progressions
Lunar progressions
Right Ascension
Geocentric latitude
You will also receive the 32 page instruction manual

Fig A

Fig B

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