Rosecast Planetary Lines -
Astrological methods of WD GANN and GEORGE BAYER explained!
What are Planetary Lines ?
Planetary lines are a graphical way
to make the movements of the planets visible and can be plotted onto the price
chart of any stock, commodity or currency pair. In a "Time and Price Matrix" the
Y-axis represents the price-coordinate and the x-axis represent the
time-coordinate. Astrologers should know that planetary lines can be
compared to Graphic Ephemeredes that are part of many astrology software.
The difference between Graphic Ephemeredes and the Rosecast Indicators for
Ninja-Trader is that with Rosecast you cannot only track the planets visually,
but you also can add the price movement of any financial instrument onto the
Planetary Ephemeredes. That way you can visually see how planetary movements
influence the prices of stocks and commodities. Below I will show
examples of Google, the S&P 500, the GBPUSD, and the US T-Bond, so that you can
learn more about this important part of financial astrology.
WD Gann is known for the 45 degree angle. He was also a great believer in
astrology. More importantly he considered astrology to be a science. Let me
quote from his famous novel Tunnel thru the Air, page .
How did WD Gann derive the 45 degree angle from the movements of the planets ?
From mathematics we know that a cycle has 360 degrees. Why has the cycle
360 degrees ? Because the cycle is a mathematical invention of the Babylonians
in order to track the movement of the Sun and Moon and the visible planets -
Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. In the old times these planets were
referred to as "Wandering Stars" or "Moving Stars" in order to differentiate
them from the fixed stars on the firmament. Moving Stars is also the name of our
astrology software that unites planetary geometry with modern astronomy.
The Babylonians noticed that the Sun moves approximately
1 degree per day, until it returns to the same place in the CIRCLE one year
later...and hence they found it useful to divide the circle (among astrologers
known as the Zodiac) into 360 degrees.
Astrology is the oldest of the sciences. Many inventions in Mathematics and
Physics are a result of the observations of the planets. Mathematics and Physics
would not have advanced so rapidly during the last three-hundred years without
the human quest to understand our planets and their motions.
As the Sun moves 1 degree per day, we can equal 1 degree of the circle with 1
unit of price and we will arrive at the 45 degree angle. On a price and time
chart a 45 degree angle will be visible, if the Y and the X axis are scaled
according to the ratio: 1 unit of Y-axis (price, 1 US$) equals 1 unit of X-axis
(time, 1 day).
Therefore the 45 degree angle is nothing more than the movement of our Sun
plotted onto a price chart.
The example below demonstrates this and shows the
relation between the Sun and the stock of Google.

WD Gann would not only chart the movement of the SUN, he would also track the
other planets. Famous is a hand-made drawing that WD GANN has sent to one of his
students showing the Mars Line plotted onto the price of Cotton.
WD Gann did his drawings per hand and hence it was obvious to him to equal the
price and time axis in the ratio of 1 to 1. With today's computer software, such
a ratio would not be practical for many stocks and hence the original angle of
45 degrees is not visible. But the advantage of our time is that we can plot all
planetary lines onto a price chart in a few seconds by using templates.
See the example below: S&P 500, 2013

Each planet is assigned its own color: I.e. Uranus is Lime (Bright Green),
Jupiter is Red and Saturn is Dodger Blue.
The "Solid Lines" present the actual positions as shown in a Graphic Ephemeredes.
The "Dashed Lines" represent the lines of the Mirror Planets. Mirror Planets are
mirrored across the Aries-Libra Axis (East-West Axis) according to the principle
"as above, so below". The mathematical formula for this operation is: PL - 360 =
So why are the two Bright Green lines (solid and dashed) so close together ?
Because Uranus is at 8 degrees (8 Aries) in the Zodiac. According to the above
formula we get 352 degrees (22 Pisces) for Uranus Mirror.
Therefore the Uranus lines are only 16 S&P 500 points apart. 8 degree of Aries
equals a price of 1808 for the S&P 500 (360 times 5 plus 8) and 22 Pisces equals
1792. Two solid lines of the same color are always 360 degrees apart in the
above example. Why ? Because the circle has 360 degrees.
Notice that price usually reverses at a planetary lines.
"Planets act as beacons on the board of the river of time and attract price".
These are the words of George Bayer. WD Gann believed that traders
subconsciously are attracted to prices at certain levels because of the magnetic
attraction of planets.
Gann and Bayer also believed that astrology was the creation of God and both
found numerous references to astrology in the Bible. If you are more interested
in that I recommend reading "Bible Interpretations" by George Bayer or WD Gann's
novel "Tunnel Thru the Air." Hence in this sense traders, banks, funds and hedge
funds are indeed fulfilling divine law through their market operations. It is
not possible to manipulate a market, not even for central banks, unless such
manipulations are in accordance with the scientific law of vibration. Again this
is what WD Gann believed.
The Rosecast Planetary Indicators are the most advanced tool currently offered
to view these relations and are more advanced than any other software in this
category, because they allow you to set both mathematical variables that
determine the slope of any planetary line:
variable A - number of units of price in the circle -
variable B - the number of distance between two lines of the same color -
Therefore the Rosecast Planetary Line indicators represent an advancement
in scientific astrology. Skeptics will say that planetary lines are completely
Here is my reply: It is well documented in ancient astrological literature that
some planets are considered as beneficial in astrology (Jupiter and Venus) and
others as malefic (Mars and Saturn and the North Node). If you look at many
charts of various stocks and commodities, you will find that lows are often made
at Saturn and the North Node and Highs at Jupiter or Venus. Also I am the only
financial astrologer that has revealed to the astrological community in 2011
that Eris acts like Jupiter and hence planetary lines of Eris will often attract
important highs across many stocks and commodities.
Sedna on the other hand will often create lows. If you look at the S&P 500 for
many years back you will find that Jupiter, Venus and Eris are creating highs
more frequently than Saturn, Mars, Sedna or the North Node. The latter planets
on the other hand create lows more frequently. However, what is bad for one
market, can be good for another market. All planets can create highs or lows,
but I have found that the conjunction of two traditional malefic - Saturn and
North Node - has created so many lows among so many different markets, that this
heavenly SIGN is hard to ignore even for the biggest skeptics.
Below I show an example of the GBPUSD (Pound Sterling): Compare this chart below
to the one of the S&P 500 above and notice the similarities between the
arrangement of the colored lines (planets).
Notice how Sedna (color Brown - compare chart above for guide towards colors)
has held the lows of the year 2013. The lows in 2012 were held by Pluto. The
highs were held by Venus and the Sun.

And here is yet another example of the British Pound.

In this example (I have set the circle to 180 instead of
360 units of price) Eris (Magenta - Rose Line) has held the highs of 2012 and
2013, while Saturn, the Mean Node (April and May) and Mars (July 9)have held
the low in 2013. Jupiter has held both highs and lows. It is a special property
of the non-random magnetic attraction of the planets, that the same planet will
often hold both the low AND the high. Just look at Jupiter (Red Line) in 2013 in
the above examples.
Finally I want to include two more examples to drive home my point of
non-randomness between market data and planetary lines. First look at the chart
of the 30 year US T-Bond below:

Sedna, Venus and Pluto have held the highs, while Saturn, the Mean Node and
Venus are holding the lows.
Notice that the lows have come very recently on Saturn. Hence it is my forecast
that Bonds are likely to trade up for the next weeks.
Finally I want to present you a chart of the German Bund. The lows in the German
Bund came already in July. Still can you detect the similarities between the
chart of the US Bond and the Bund ? Both markets have made highs at Sedna and
lows at Saturn and Venus. However only the Rosecast Indicators are able to show
these non-random correlations to you, because traditional Gann software does not
allow to set the circle to any other number than 360 (pre-imposed factors of 2,
1, 0, -1,-2). In the example of the German Bund below, the circle is set to 180.

Summary: The Rosecast Planetary Line indicators are a scientific
(mathematical) method of correlating price with time (planetary vibrations).
They are unique as astrological indicators as they allow to chart the
dwarfs planets Eris, Sedna, Haumea, Makemake, Sedna, Quaoar, Orcus, TC302 and
2007OR 10 (dubbed Snow-white by astronomer Mike Brown) in addition to well-known
asteroids like Sappho, Eros and Nessus. Finally both variables that define any
planetary line can be freely chosen. they represent a scientific leap in
finding non-random correlations between planets and prices.
Included is a free PDF guide to the planetary line indicators that reveal the
nuts and bolts as well as secrets of this methods, so that you completely
understand how to use this tool.
While the
Planetary Line Indicators are not the ultimate prove of financial astrology,
they come very close, as you will agree after reviewing this site. Planetary
lines are a more advanced financial astrology tool than the Bradley indicator,
since they 1) work on all markets and commodities) 2) give you favorable entries
including valuable stop loss levels, 3) give you price targets for your
investment strategy, as price will travel from one major planet to the next one.
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